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Welcome To My Fucked Up Mind

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Its funny how your emotions can go from one extreme to the next. One minute I can be feeling really positive about me and my life and just everything. Then just like that someone can set me off, or bring me down, or just throw me off my shit. You know. I really dont feel like talking much today. Why don't you all talk to me .. for a change..

What do you feel is your biggest flaw? And how to you overcome your insecurities?


  1. Hmmmm biggest flaw? I'm an idealist. I believe that thing should work out or happen according to basic god vs. bad ideals. That many times puts me in foul positions as mot people aren't about ideals but are about themselves.

    Insecurities In my opinion always exist but I've learned to take control of more aspects of life gain more security. Something like fitness and hitting the gym helps keep a lot of insecurities under control.

  2. My biggest flaw?
    I think the thing I'm most insecure about is my weight
    constant struggle with it, up, down, up again.
    I came close to my ideal weight in 07, but then went back up again.
    I think I deal with my insecurities, whether it be weight or something else by acting as though it doesn't bother me.
    Inside my head I know it's a big deal to me, but noone else would ever know.....
    Well I guess they do now.

  3. My biggest flaw is being passive/aggressive. Like I'll pretend something is a smaller issue than what it is, let it fester and then blow up. I've gotten alot better about it, though. I now confront things that bother me right away.

    Overcoming insecurities comes with confidence, faith and trust in the most high. The more confident you are in WHO you are, insecurities fall to the waist side because your life will be filled with those who love you for you!
