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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ok so The President is Black

I had a talk with some White Folks today..
And it actually made a little sense what they said.
Its funny how Hollywood and all these Singers and Celebrities
are so supportive of our new president.
How everyone is Partying and Celebrating.
It took for a Black President ( who truthfully is half white and was raised my his white mother)
to bring people together. To get people to actually start caring about our country.
To get Black People to Vote! Black people never cared about voting before. Which means they really didn't care who led our country or what happened to it.

I mean its cool we got a Black dude in office .. but whats really going to CHANGE.
If anything I feel him being elected is a huge risk.

If he is assassinated It will be Civil War all over again.
This country will be torn apart.

Dont Judge me by any of the comments Above.. they are just thoughts..
Only one who will Judge me is God.. when I die.


  1. Nope no judgment.Jusy\t curious is for all those risky concerns if you C any positives view to go with them since theres always a positive outcome possible too. And I think it is a risky statement to say blacCs didn't/don't care what happened to the country. But clearly and for valid reason many of us have felt disenfranchised by a nation with the history and on going issues that America has.

    A blacC president won't magically fix schools, broken homes, blacC on blacC crime, or the high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity we lead the nation in sooo hopefully the very least will be some motivation for regular people to effect change in their lives.

  2. All of our lives many to most minority Americans grew up thinking there would never be a minority President running the U.S. We've all grown up saying this is a "white man's world". With Barack in office, it kills all those ideologies and opens many new doors. If anything, it kills the crutch that minorities have leaned on for so long as an excuse for failure or why we can't be apart of the upper echelon of the U.S. class system. Barack running for office and winning is because as he's said, he wants to show Americans like his daughters and himself that we can all be awarded the same opportunities in life. So, it gives us hope. Although he was raised by a white mother and is in fact 50% white, I'm sure he grew up as most African Americans, being that society viewed and still does view him as an African American.

    I'm not judging you, one bit, but you can't listen to white people on this one. LOL! Shit, before he won, all of their "people" were winning the election and races all this time and they had celebrities that were partying and singing, too. No one tried to steal their shine, it's just what was so special about shit being done the way it always has been?! NOTHING! Now, there is a new face in town, a slightly tanner, but equally qualified face. All black people are saying is give one of "ours" a chance to do what 43 of "theirs" before us have had the opportunity to do!
